Tag Archives: love

It’s A Harlequin Kind of Love

Dear Friends, Don’t you love how in the beginning of every romance film, they say, “And a romance like you’ve never seen before…” Why do people think romance is so original or complicated? It really just takes passion, bravery and luck. The right at place at the right time. The right head space at the right time. You have to hope you aren’t with the wrong person when you meet the right one. There’s always this fear that meeting the […]


Dear Friends, As Halloween approaches me, I can’t help but be haunted by Halloweens past. For some reason, Halloween always is responsible for some sort of dramatic event in my life. It usually involves a boy and for whatever reason, being dressed up makes it all the more dramatic. I think the drama started my freshman year because it was the first time I got the “spins” from drinking. I remember laying in my Twin bed in my dorm thinking […]

The Barbie Room

Dear Friends, My Barbie Room was the best part of my childhood. Inside this room, on Barbie Lane, everything was perfect. No one had cancer and no one was dying. Kens were monogamists – even though there were only three of them, and there were big Barbie families – the smallest one had three children. The families took turns living in the neon pink dream house. They took turns being doctors, lawyers and models. They took turns loving each other. […]

This One’s For You

Dear Friends, Today I remember my mother. She has been gone for twelve years today and it still feels like yesterday that I was sitting in my algebra class, and felt my heart sink at 2:42pm. I knew she was gone. I felt her leave the Earth – like so many loved ones report feeling. You know when loved ones are departing, or when they are in danger, or at worst, dead. I have devoted the past two years of […]

Flood of Emotion

Dear Friends, I lived through the first (I think?) NYC hurricane. At first, I wasn’t bothered by it. I thought, hurricane on Madison Avenue? Come on, now. Who cares. Mellow out. But half of Manhattan closed up, boarded up and was sealed to the eye of the storm. There’s something about seasonal meltdowns that cause me my own flood of emotions. I’m sure it will get worse tomorrow, as I’ll be “Castaway” in my own tiny apartment especially made for […]

Meaningful Nothings

Dear Friends, You know what’s a better description for the word, coincidence? Meaningful nothings. That’s what they are. Coincidence sounds so scientific. I get the essence of the word – coincide – a coincidence is when two otherwise unrelated things align in an odd occurrence of solidarity. They are little messages from the universe saying, “Hey, what’s up guys – here I am!” Sometimes it’s a way of people from beyond giving us living people a message, I like to […]

The Panic Button

Dear Friends, I just had my first walking through lower Manhattan meltdown. It was a good one too. For some reason, on a Monday there were tons of people out and everyone seemed to be looking me straight in the eye. All those dark, enigmatic streets you hear about in crime stories dissipated into over-lit scaffolding and well-lit corners. Must have been Guiliani. I had gotten a goodbye text from someone who should have been superlatively unimportant in my life, […]

Don’t Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

Dear Friends, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” my mother used to say. This is an expression I never really understood until like, yesterday, because I don’t own a basket, nor do I pick my own eggs, and also, I’m Jewish, so I always kind of thought this was a taboo Easter reference. I guess it’s not. Would you like to know what this catch-phrase means? It has withstood centuries. I bet Abe Lincoln used to say it […]

Crossing the Street

Dear Friends, One of the first justifications I gave myself for moving to NYC was, “I’m not afraid of being hit by a car.” Growing up driving in California, how could I be? It’s not that hard to see pedestrians, and it’s not that hard to put your foot on the break last-minute. I love J-walking, in fact. I’m such a wimp, I get a little thrill out of it without a total, all-consuming adrenaline rush that is otherwise abhorrent […]

The F Train

Dear Friends, I almost got F-ed on the F train today. And I don’t mean that literally. I was running late to work: my hair was in a bun which just proves how rushed I felt, considering my hair hasn’t been in a bun since a dance recital in Irvine circa 1994. I’m riding the train and it appears that I’m on an E train because the little sign is showing me that we’re approaching 23rd street. But all of […]