Tag Archives: past


Dear Friends, As Halloween approaches me, I can’t help but be haunted by Halloweens past. For some reason, Halloween always is responsible for some sort of dramatic event in my life. It usually involves a boy and for whatever reason, being dressed up makes it all the more dramatic. I think the drama started my freshman year because it was the first time I got the “spins” from drinking. I remember laying in my Twin bed in my dorm thinking […]

LinkedIn, Linked How?

Dear Friends, If you’ve tried to find me on Facebook and failed, it’s because I’m not on it. I relinquished the control that social media had on my life (except this website) about six months ago and it feels great! No more can I stalk the random girl I did not care about in college and internalize minute jealousy that she’s engaged before me, and no longer do I keep tabs on every drunken hook-up I had in college. Because […]