New Beginnings

Dear Friends,

I am so thrilled to have this website up! You never know who will be there for you when you need them, and in this case, it is one of my very special neighbors. Even if you get to know people for a short amount of time, it can still be considered beautiful. That’s my motivation for “The Butterfly Groove.” Butterflies have terribly hard lives, did you know that? They are forced to download everything from their mothers in less than a minute, before jumping into their chrysalis, and breaking out by themselves a few weeks later. So, really as children, a butterfly has to know the right real estate to “hatch” in so to speak. I wonder if they pay rent…?

Once they break through the chrysalis, their wings are weak and lifeless. They must pump blood to get the wings strong enough to fly away and go to the local diner, aka the nearest flower. Then, they must quickly find a mate, for they have less than a month to live and pass on the short, but monumental amount of information they know to their kids. Butterflies represent short-lived beauty. They are an integral part of our world, and are beautiful, but are visiting the Earth on borrowed time compared to humans. This metaphor applies to my book, but also to my life right now. I am relocating to NYC in a couple of weeks. Will I be able to break out of the chrysalis of California, and teach myself how to pump my wings in a new city? Will I land on the right flower that provides me a safe home, food, and a mate? I sure hope so.

Enjoy the sunshine, and all of the short-lived beauty in your life this weekend, and always.



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