Say Goodbye

Dear Friends,
I just made a gigantic decision that could change the rest of my life completely. I moved across the country — rather abruptly. I had always wanted to go, so I decided to rip the band-aid off and move forward. If there’s one thing I learned writing my book, it’s that taking a chance will always change your life. Granted I see blizzards now instead of palm trees – I’m OK with that. Snow flurries can be pretty if they don’t make your hair wet and frizzy. Buy a hat, I assume is my lesson.
In the spirit of me making a huge move, please take a chance today. Even if it’s getting tuna instead of turkey for lunch, I beg of you! I need all of the spiritual support I can get. You never know — one day you could pick tuna instead of turkey and end up on the other side of the world.


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