Tag Archives: moving

Say Goodbye

Dear Friends, I just made a gigantic decision that could change the rest of my life completely. I moved across the country — rather abruptly. I had always wanted to go, so I decided to rip the band-aid off and move forward. If there’s one thing I learned writing my book, it’s that taking a chance will always change your life. Granted I see blizzards now instead of palm trees – I’m OK with that. Snow flurries can be pretty […]

New Beginnings

Dear Friends, I am so thrilled to have this website up! You never know who will be there for you when you need them, and in this case, it is one of my very special neighbors. Even if you get to know people for a short amount of time, it can still be considered beautiful. That’s my motivation for “The Butterfly Groove.” Butterflies have terribly hard lives, did you know that? They are forced to download everything from their mothers […]