Have A Little Faith

Dear Friends,

Have any of you heard this phrase and rolled your eyes? If so, we can seriously be friends and not just “friends” via my blog. My whole life, someone, somewhere has told me to “have a little faith.” I guess this means I came out of the womb doubting. Despite this, I am  not a negative person, just realistic. I like to see things before I believe them. As much as I loved magic when I was a little girl, in real life, David Copperfield does not make that phone ring, get you that dream job, or pluck out nice people from the sea of young, smiling faces at a bar on a Saturday night. For this reason, and this reason alone, I choose to stay on neutral grounds. I don’t believe the phone will ring until it’s blaring. It can work the other way as well. Two years ago I thought I found my dream job and it was nothing I thought it would be. So sometimes a magician does pull a rabbit out of his hat, and it still is not magical.

It’s like when my 5-year-old nephew asks me why I’m not married yet every time I see him. My answer is the same, “Because I haven’t found the right guy to be your uncle yet.” My nephew replies quizzically with, “Where do you find him?” To which I say – “I have NO idea, darling.”

However, my mantra for the new year is to do exactly what I’ve been vehemently denying myself for potentially my entire life. I need to have a little faith that the phone will ring (slash buzz – text messages seem to be replacing voices these days), that the dream job will some day be all its cracked up to be and that maybe the universe does work in your favor sometimes. How else does the world keep turning and people keep on procreating? Sometimes it works to just take a deep breath in a stressful situation or as stream of consciousness runs through your mind and say, have a little faith. Looking back, I have had a lot of faith-enduring moments. Rejections turn into open doors eventually. People show you their true colors – good or bad ones. My top two moments of having faith would be moving to New York City with no job, no friends and no place to live (and I’m still here). And also meeting one of my best friends at a restaurant last winter. David Copperfield put us right next to each other in a squished booth in a tiny West Village restaurant. Thankfully.

So the next time you find yourself having anxiety about something not panning out – just try to tell yourself to have a little faith. Sometimes you are holding the magic wand and you don’t even know it yet.

Happy 2012!



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